Blood Car

Blood Car is a 2007 black comedy film set in the nottoodistant future where gasoline prices have become exorbitantUSgallon. Things take a turn for the worse when a kindergarten teacher Mike Brune invents a car that runs on a different fuel source blood.

Andrews then tests his car out and offers a ride to Denise, who runs a meat stand and is a rival to Lorraine. After Denise expresses an interest in Archie believing he can afforddollars a gallon gasoline, he drives her home, but runs out of fuel. Archie turns to hunting animals, but they do not provide sufficient blood. He turns to larger prey such as predatory people, and eventually, settles for any victim after rebuilding a more efficient blood engine.The government, which has been tracking Archies progress, eventually offers him any position he wants, provided he can create more Blood Cars after the original is destroyed, and his existence is erased. Archie is concerned where the fuel for the new cars will come from, and the federal agents promise him it will come from invalids, convicted criminals, and the homeless. Archie agrees. Images of Archies rise as President are cut with the government agents murdering Lorraine, Denise, his kindergarten students, and anyone that saw him developing the Blood Car. ........

Source: Wikipedia